Athletic Eligibility-NCAA

Who Needs to Worry About NCAA College Eligibility?

This section supports student-athletes (men and women) who are planning to participate in NCAA collegiate sports after high school.
The NCAA Eligibility Center governs high school athletes that are looking to participate in NCAA Division I and NCAA division II athletics.

Basic Eligibility Needs 

“NCAA Eligibility Rules state that student-athletes will need to meet athletic and academic requirements for the division they wish to compete in.
Requirements will include:

  • Meeting core course requirements specific to NCAA division I or division II.
  • Meeting grade-point averages on a sliding scale when compared to ACT and SAT test scores for NCAA division I or meeting grade and test requirements for division II.
  • Completion of Amateurism certificate.”

Core Courses

These are required courses to be eligible to compete at the NCAA division I and division II college level. In addition to completing required core courses, potential recruits will also have to maintain at least a 2.0 GPA for course courses (which is subject to increase with new NCAA requirements)

When to Begin Focusing on NCAA Eligibility?

Everyone agrees the sooner- the better!
Student-athletes who aspire to compete in college need to begin preparing for their athletic future when they begin ninth grade. This is when student- athletes and academic counselors can begin to map out the correct college-prep (core) courses that meet NCAA division I and division II requirements. 
Note: If you are unsure of your college choices early on, hold off on registering with the NCAA eligibility center until you decide. 

The National Letter of Intent (NLI) is a document used to indicate a student athlete‘s commitment to participate in a NCAA colleges and universities in the United States.
However, No prospective student-athlete or parent is required to sign the National Letter of Intent.

NCAA Videos to answer your Questions

Meet the requirements

For grade point average and SAT scores, the lowest possible GPA a student may be eligible with is a 1.70, as long as they have an SAT score of 1400. The lowest SAT scores a student may be eligible with is 700 as long as they have a GPA of 2.500.
(visit the NCAA site for complete details)

What SAT/ACT test scores do I need?
The test score requirements vary between Divisions I and II. In Division II, the test score requirements are the same for every student, regardless of GPA. To meet Division II requirements, you must achieve at least an 820 on the SAT or a sum score of 68 on the ACT.

NOTE: Verbal commitments are nonbinding; recruits may change or revoke a verbal commitment at any time, and coaches may continue to recruit a verbally committed player.

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Black College Sports & Education Foundation- the gateway to unlimited access to educational opportunities.
We offer a  free Comprehensive Preparation Assistance Program .

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· Provide a seamless transition for prospective students and athletes who who need assistance in furhtering their education.
· Support the preservation of HBCUs through   promotion and recruitment.

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