Seven Things You Could Do After High School

Start Working. If you’re certain more school isn’t the right path for you, or if you’re not sure what you want study, heading off into the working world for a period of time might be the right plan for you.

Start a Business…

Do an Internship…


Take Time to Find Yourself…

Improve Your Grades…

Work Abroad…

If you take a job right after high school, you may find yourself putting it off year after year, and it could hurt you in the long run. According to a Huffington Post report, those who choose not to go to college at all make as much as $800,000 less than college graduates over the course of their lifetime.

How do I decide on a career?

Put enough thought into it, and you will increase your chances of making a good decision.

Assess Yourself…

Make a List of Occupations to Explore…

Explore the Occupations on Your List…

Create a “Short List” …

Conduct Informational Interviews…

Make Your Career Choice…

Identify Your Goals…

Write a Career Action Plan.

Reference Links

Tips for Parents

For Students with Learning Disabilities

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