Edd J. Hayes Aug. 2021 Vol.1
CPAP: A Free Guide to A Brighter Future
From elementary to high school, some college preparatory programs focus on increasing academic readiness, while others specialize in college admissions or financial aid.
The Comprehensive Preparatory Assistance Program (CPAP) assists students, families in preparing for the next level in their education and careers. From the 6th grade through high school, CPAP is designed to serve a variety of students’ needs.
See what we have to offer.
What's Trending Now
The Black College Sports & Foundation believes that every student should be equipped with a full range of postsecondary options.
A comprehensive preparatory program can helps students
to meet scholastic requirements for entry into colleges and universities, community colleges, technical colleges, or trade schools.
Boundless Opportunities
Post secondary education offer numerous opportunities which are the key to improving quality of life as well as enjoying a meaningful career. You can fulfil your dreams as you delve into professional, technical and trades careers which offer an unlimited future!
Enjoy this video introduction to the free Comprehensive Preparation Assistance Program that can help you navigate the paths to a success journey.
At a glance
Our Strong Points
CPAP compiles Student Profiles, Curriculum Planning, College Preparation, Financial Planning, and tracking logs.
It is tailored to assist individuals and community-based organizations who have student educational activities.
With constant changes occurring, it is important that students and parents are up to date on educational, social, and career trends.
CPAP can help in all of these areas.
Social Media Strategy
What's in The Future:
Virtual Training?
The demand for virtual learning in the education systems continues to evolve.
Reaching those who are underserved and are in need of help has created innovative methods of helping to compete in the increasingly global market competition.
The CPAP Resource Center includes instructional guides, online workshops, and tutorials, webinars, podcasts, and social media links. The monthly newsletter is filled with updates in education, cooperate alliances with schools, athletic updates, funding opportunities, and a myriad of information that can help students to make better decisions about their future.
The Arts, Music, Athletics
The pursuit of higher education is the bridge between early preparation and lifestyles of independence. The avenues are lined with some of the best years of your youthful life, especially at the college level. Students and athletes get to pursue academic and athletic excellence in sports, the Fine Arts, medicine, law, civic and community services and much, much more!
Which way will you choose to go?
CPAP: Get Started
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