About Us

The Black College Sports & Education Foundation


The Black College Sports & Education Foundation provides a gateway to unlimited access to higher education.
We offer a free Comprehensive Preparatory Assistance Program which is a portal to:
4-year+ college degrees • 2-year community college associate degrees technical and vocational skills training.

• We promote the unique HBCU environment that offers educational challenges and athletic competition that 
is the hallmark of these institutions.


The GOAL: To provide a seamless transition for prospective students and athletes who wish to attend a four-year, 2-year or specialized vocational training institution.
We provide free assistance and how to guides on the education process (and sports eligibility if applicable).
We assist with information about the application process, determining funding sources, eligibility and career planning from the early stages of middle school (we are STEM programs advocates) through graduation.


The Foundation was borne from a spirit of stewardship by those who wish to contribute to the support of students and athletes who aspire to achieve success through higher learning.
We support diversity at HBCUs which is an integral part of their history.
In addition, Black College Sports History and Legends is a dedicated archive for the preservation of the legacies of Black college athletics.

About Us

Black College Sports & Education Foundation
– the gateway to unlimited access to Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
We offer a  free Comprehensive Preparatory Assistance Program .

Our Mission

· Provide a seamless transition for prospective  students and athletes who wish to attend an  HBCU or other institution. 
· Support the preservation of HBCUs through
  promotion and recruitment.

The Black College Sports & Education Foundation, Inc.   A 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.   All donations are tax-exempt.

Copyright 2016 © All rights Reserved. Black College Sports & Education Foundation

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